Terms and Conditions of Use

Attention!Before browsing the website(hereinafter referred to as the Website),carefully read these Terms and Conditions of Use(hereinafter referred to as the Terms and Conditions)and the Privacy Policy.If you do not agree with these terms,do not use this Website.
Below are the terms of the legal agreement concluded by the User with the Website Administration(hereinafter referred to as the Administration),on the basis of which the User uses the information and services provided by the Website,as well as its Mobile Applications in the App Store and Google Play Store.These Terms and Conditions are divided into Sections:
1.Concepts and definitions.
2.General terms and conditions.
3.Website Content.
4.Exclusion of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
5.Other conditions.

1.Concepts and definitions

User-any individual who accesses the Website,use the resources of the Website via the Internet.
Website-a set of software and hardware with a unique address on the Internet along with information resources that provide access to an unlimited number of persons to these information resources and other information services via the Internet.The website is a narrowly targeted search service-an aggregator of Mobile applications located in open sources,which provides the ability to search for Mobile applications by name,category,other criteria,get acquainted with information about Mobile applications,copyright holder,etc.
Content-the content of the Website,consists of graphic,text,audio,video,photo and other materials,the placement of which on the Website is carried out by the Administration and/or with its consent.
Mobile application-software designed to run on smartphones,tablets and mobile devices,including mobile games.

2.General terms and conditions

2.1.By using the services offered by the Website,the User confirms his agreement with these Terms and Conditions,the Privacy Policy and undertakes to comply with them.
2.2.The administration at any time can make changes to these Terms and Conditions by publishing the changed Terms and Conditions without prior notice to the Users.The user should review these Terms and Conditions each time they enter the Website to review the changes made to them.
2.3.If any provision in these Terms and Conditions is unacceptable to you,please stop using the Website.Its further use confirms the User's agreement with these Terms and Conditions, including amendments to them.
2.4. these Terms and Conditions are a public offer and are addressed to an indefinite circle of persons.
2.5. The Administration at any time without notifying Users, without bearing responsibility, can change, suspend or terminate access to the Website as a whole, or to some of its resources, including access to any information, databases and / or Content, and / go to the Games, as well as impose restrictions on certain functions of the Website and / or its resources.
2.6. The use by the User of the functions, resources, Content of the Website means unconditional acceptance of all clauses of these Terms and Conditions, including all their changes and additions.
2.7. These Terms and Conditions are the same for everyone and apply to all persons using the Website.
2.8. Users declare themselves as adults in accordance with the applicable laws of the territory of their location. Minors cannot use this website.
2.9. Content, trademarks, product names, company names, logos and other objects of intellectual property rights that are located on the Website are the property of their respective owners. By posting Content, trademarks, company names, logos, other objects of intellectual property rights, as well as information about products, Mobile applications, the Administration does not position itself as their owner (except for objects of intellectual property rights, which are directly owned by the Administration).
2.10. The disclosure of objects of intellectual property rights using the Website, carried out free of charge in relation to the developer (author, copyright holder), is not considered advertising. The disclosure of objects of intellectual property rights through posting on the Website is subject to the provisions on the free use of objects of intellectual property rights, indicating the name of the author.

3. Website Content.

3.1. The content of the Website is intended for Users who have reached the age of majority in accordance with the current legislation of the territory of their location, unless other age restrictions are established by the developer (author, copyright holder) of the Mobile Application.
3.2. In relation to the Content, the User is not entitled to:
3.2.1. use the Content if the legislation of the territory of the User's location prohibits the use of such Content or establishes other,including age,restrictions;
3.2.2.without the written consent of the Administration to distribute and bring to the public the Content of the Website;
3.2.3.distribute,transmit and copy the Website Content;
3.2.4.without the written consent of the Administration to investigate the program code,decompile,disassemble,modify the Website,Content,any part thereof,as well as create derivative products based on the Content;
3.2.5.use the Content of the Website,for commercial or other purposes not provided for by these Terms and Conditions.Terms of use of Mobile Applications are determined directly by the developer(author,copyright holder)of Mobile Applications.
3.3.In the event that the Administration becomes aware of violations of the above provisions,the Administration independently,at any time at its discretion and without sending prior notice,may block such User's access to the Website as a whole or to its individual functions, sections.
3.4. The User understands, accepts and agrees that the Content of the Website is posted on the Website in a legal way and is protected intellectual property that cannot be used in ways not provided for by the Terms and Conditions. Providing the User with access to the Content cannot be regarded as a transfer or assignment of exclusive rights in relation to such Content to the User from the Administration and / or from the developer (author, copyright holder).
3.5. The Administration of the Website adheres to the policy of compliance with intellectual property rights in relation to the Content posted on the Website, therefore, in case of violation of intellectual property rights of third parties, by one or another User, the Administration has the right to apply the procedure for limiting use.
3.6. Any person who believes that his copyright and / or related, and / or other rights, as well as legitimate interests are violated in connection with the posting of specific Content on the Website, has the right to notify the Website Administration by sending a message.
3.7. The User can access the Content for informational purposes and personal use only within the limits of the available functionality of the Website and on the conditions provided for by these Terms and Conditions, as well as exclusively for non-commercial purposes.

4. Exclusion of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

4.1. Services, services, services, the results of algorithms, other Content is provided to the User on the "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" terms. The User can access the Content only within the limits of the available functionality and on the terms provided by these Terms and Conditions.
4.2. The administration does not provide any guarantees and representations.
The Administration does not guarantee the User that:
  ➢ The website will meet the requirements and needs of the User;
  ➢ The website will function smoothly, constantly, error-free and securely;
  ➢ the information obtained as a result of using the Website will be accurate and true.
4.3. The user, accepting consent to these Terms and Conditions, agrees that he uses the Website Content at his own risk, within the limits permitted by applicable law. The administration disclaims all guarantees related to the use of the Website Content, both express and implied.
Administration, officials, employees and representatives are not responsible to Users for:
  ➢ direct, indirect, incidental, special, collateral damage caused as a result of using the Website;
  ➢ any flaws, errors or inaccuracies in the Content;
  ➢ any kind of harm and loss caused to a person or property as a result of using the Content;
  ➢ unauthorized access to / or use of our secure server or any personal or financial information that resides on it;
  ➢ suspension or termination of data transmission on the Website;
  ➢ software bugs or viruses, similar bugs or objects that may be transmitted through the Website to third parties;
  ➢ any errors or omissions in the Content.
4.4. These Terms and Conditions do not apply to third-party sites owned by third parties that are outside the control of the Administration. By going to a third-party site, the User acknowledges and confirms that the Administration is not responsible for such a site, information posted on it, goods and services provided, as well as for any losses associated with the use of such a site.
The limitation of liability set forth in Section 4 of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to the maximum, within the limits provided for by the legislation of the respective jurisdiction.
The user directly confirms that the Administration is not responsible for the Content or the actions of third parties. The user independently bears the risk of harm, loss or damage, violation of someone's rights and legitimate interests.

5.Other conditions

5.1.These Terms and Conditions,together with the Privacy Policy,constitute an exhaustive agreement between the User and the Administration.
5.2.These Terms and Conditions,as well as amendments and additions to them,come into force from the moment they are posted.
5.3.These Terms and Conditions,any other legal conditions that will be published by the Administration in the future,constitute a comprehensive agreement on the use of the Website between the User and the Administration.
5.4.The User undertakes to immediately inform the Administration about any copyright infringement on the materials of the Website.
5.5.In order to prevent recognition of certain provisions of these Terms and Conditions as invalid,such provisions cease to be valid(considered invalid)from the moment such a contradiction with the law arises.
If such a conflict existed at the time of publication of these Terms and Conditions,such provisions will not become effective.
If any legal provision of these Terms and Conditions is subsequently declared invalid by a court,the invalidity of such provision does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions.